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Reviewing Blogs for Teachers!

Hello again everyone! First off, this is not a blog where all you will read are sentences that look like this "We will exploit customer-driven action plans through the collaborative process." or They dis-aggregate top-down living documents via self-reflection." This is a blog about teacher blogs. My aim is to make this a one stop for those looking for quality informative blogs. PART I Whats a blog? Well a blog is not full of those above quoted sentences that is for sure. A blog is a short form, laid back form of communication but with a  specific goal. Usually, the goal is to inform or educate but can be as varied as to entertain and or to scare like the various underground scary story blogs do out there. Advantages of a blog: short to the point easy to read full of information interactive Disadvantages of a blog: some may be too informal information may may be inaccurate\ no control over conversation in comments As one can see above, there are
Recent posts

The 18th Blog

I could see myself publishing novels later in my life but not as career. I want to decide what who I'm going to be after college and I want to finish grad school before I start with my first novel. I have started it, but its a long way to go before I finish it, I do work on it from time to time, but not like 10 pages a day. I do however appreciate the art of writing so much so that I will enjoy writing my novels when the time comes.

17th Blog Reflective essay 1st draft

I know I said I will be writing about my guitar essay, but I decided to write on this nature essay for a change. For the nature essay In the beginnings, before I began to write this nature essay, I started to look for a focus.I didn’t know much about nature or the outside and I could've gone with talking about rain but I wanted to talk about my cockatiel Spicy since she is very dear to me. I began to think about the early times of me and the bird and decided that the focus was going to be the psychological aspects of having a pet. This paper is about my first draft however it may include tidbits about my second revision. I organized my ideas based off of this dream I invented-knowingly pushing the limit of the genre but I decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately for my revision, I replaced the dream sequences with meditation sequences where I laid in bed thinking about my cockatiel in a more biological and specifically natural manner. Also, it is good to note that both versions mov

The 16th Blog

I'll be writing about my guitar essay. I feel like I have more to talk about in this paper, not only in the paper itself, but in a reflective paper as well. I have to remember to include the assignment requirements into the reflective piece. There is a grave importance in knowing the foundation of ones focus before beginning to write and following guidelines can most assurdly control ones paper. THis could change though as I am tired of writing about my guitar...

The 15th Blog

My relationship to my material allowed me to think about my experience differently for each time I created the piece. The reason for this is because of the fact that when I recalled the material for my first draft, I had recalled most of the materials in a more summarized state encompasing more facts. The the revised draft, I recalled the same materials and facts but then I recalled even more about my experience. I also was able to make more clearly defined connections between the materials I recalled and I think that this made it look a little more coherent than my first draft.

Blog 14

For the nature essay 1. Find a focus 2. Write out a brief for the paper 3. Organize brief into an outline form 4. Start writing 5. While writing make sure words relate to topic 6. When finished with one point examine how to bridge into another point\ correctly 7. Repeat procedure until paper is satisfactorily finished I did'nt know much about nature or the outside and I could've gone with talking about rain but I wanted to talk about my cockatiel Spicy since she is very dear to me and so I started thinking about what was going to be the focus of the essay. I began to think about the early times of me and the bird and decided that the focus was going to be the phsycological aspects of having a pet. I organized it based off of this dream I invented-knowingly pushes the limit of the genre but I decided to give it a shot. So the entire essay moved around this dream while still I tried to push the focus forward which was, of whether or not it was right for us to treat animals a